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Who Are We?
Kehilat Poriya is a home-based Messianic congregation in the Lower Galilee area of ISRAEL...
Leadership Team
Who Are We |
Monday, 27 April 2009 08:41 |
Our congregation is formed on what we believe to be the New Testament model: meeting in homes; governed by a plurality of elders; giving opportunities for many to actively participate; dedicated to reaching the Jewish people in the Land of Israel with the saving knowledge of “Yeshua HaMeshiach” (Jesus the Messiah). The Hebrew word “Poriya” (the name of our village) means “fruitful,” and “Kehilah” means “Congregation,” so our name actually means “Fruitful Congregation.” Only by the Grace of God are we fruitful. We want to become even more fruitful and we want our fruit to remain. EVANGELISM We believe that “All Israel will be saved” and we want to be part of fulfilling that great commission and prophecy. More than 65% of Israelis are “Sabras” (native-born, Hebrew-speaking), a largely unreached people group. We have adopted the Jordan Valley with its Kibbutzim as our “Mission Field.” Many believe the great end-times Jewish revival will begin here in the Galilee area. COMMUNITY We want our congregation to be much more than a place to gather once or twice a week. It is a community (“community” is another meaning of the Hebrew word “Kehilah”), where people walk to each other’s home, fellowship with one another daily and serve one another’s needs. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MINISTRY AND GROWTH We actively encourage and provide opportunities for everyone in our midst to use their God-given ministry gifts and to grow in their faith and their walk with the LORD. JEWISH IMMIGRATION (“Aliyah”) AND SETTLEMENT (“Klita”) We encourage Jewish believers from western countries to move to Israel, and we actively help them with the difficult task of being successfully absorbed into the society and economy of the Land. HELPING LAUNCH OTHER HOME CONGREGATIONS Our growth plan is not to move into a larger building, but to help plant other Hebrew-speaking home congregations in this area. CHILDREN AND YOUTH We know that the next generation, many of them native-born Israelis, will carry the torch and take the work to new heights. We want to train and encourage them. ACCOUNTABILITY We acknowledge that accountability is a Biblical principle and we believe the Lord directed us to be part of the Tents of Mercy Network of congregations, headed by Eitan Shishkoff. LANGUAGE Our services are in Hebrew, with translation into English. GENTILES We want to help gentiles who have a calling to this Land. JEWISH ROOTS We desire to express our Jewish roots and our identity with the Jewish society of Israel in a Biblical way. Some ways we do this are: celebrating the Biblical/Jewish holidays; having a Torah scroll as the centerpiece of our home/sanctuary, and following the “Parashot HaShavua” (weekly Scripture readings). TOURISTS We desire to help tourists experience this land more deeply and connect with the Messianic body of believers here. One way we do this is through the “Living Stones” Ministry of one of our families, who invite tour groups to their home for an evening of worship, teaching and food with a Messianic Jewish Israeli family. HELPING THE HURTING One of our families is the Israeli center for “Be in Health” Ministries (A More Excellent Way) providing spiritual pathways to wholeness and health for Jewish and Arabic families in the Land. THE WORD OF THE LORD GOING OUT FROM ZION Several of our families travel and speak in the nations, including Canada, the U.S., Germany, Holland and India. We are looking also to South America and the Far East. THE NEEDY Since we don’t have full-time workers and we meet in a home, much of the funds we receive are used to help needy families in and around the congregation. We, and families in our midst, also reach out to the desperate and needy, to soldiers, widows, orphans, Arabs and Druse. We also have a small prison ministry. Your gifts will be well used. HOW TO CONTACT US Kehilat Poriya c/o Eric and Terri Morey HOW TO DONATE TO KEHILAT PORIYA Checks made to “Kehilat Poriya” or “Tents of Mercy” can be sent to the above address. U.S. tax-deductible donations can be made through: Tikkun Ministries International, PO Box 2997, Gaithersburg, MD 20866-2997, Paypal: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it |
Last Updated on Monday, 27 April 2009 10:03 |
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Our Location
Lower Galilee 15208, ISRAEL
(972) 4 6709-208 ( tel )
(052) 7372-888 ( cell )
[email protected]